Friday, August 12, 2011

Starting Out

Well friends and family, we have been in Connecticut for just over three months now.  It feels like just yesterday we left Houston and started on this great adventure.  The road to starting a new life has had some pitfalls, but also some wonderful revelations and magical moments.  But then, doesn't life always have a way of being like that?

I'm starting this blog for several reasons:

1. To share with folks back home our experiences living in the Northeast.
2. To help our new friends here in Connecticut understand their home state through fresh eyes.
3. To chronicle our adventures.

From time to time, I will also post links of interest.  Some will be positive, some won't. Many of you have wondered why we left Texas.  And that's a fair question!  After all, both of our families have deep roots there.  Well, maybe this blog will help you understand better.

Why "Texpatriate"? Well, as John Steinbeck once wrote, "Texas is a state of mind.  Texas is an obsession.  Above all, Texas is a nation in every sense of the word...A Texan outside of Texas is a foreigner."  I truly do feel like an expatriate here in Connecticut sometimes-these folks have never heard of Wolf Brand chili, they've never been to Luckenbach, and they have this weird, cold white stuff that apparently falls from the sky every winter (I'll have to see this for myself.)  But, this is a great place and I look forward to the day when it will feel like home! 

1 comment:

  1. I totally didn't expect to be the first person to post a comment on your blog... but here I go!

    First, WELCOME to Connecticut! I am in awe of your ability to move half way across the country and start your life. I couldn't imagine moving into the next town over! (which for the TX peeps, is about 5 miles from my current house) LOL!!!

    I love it when I hear that you guys have gone off to explore Kent Falls, or taken a midnight ride to NYC or Boston... imagine that CT is so small that you can drive from the Rhode Island border to the New York border in just under 3 hours! Top to bottom... in LESS than an hour!

    Thanks for taking time out of your LONG work days and nights to share with me/us!!!

    P.S. CT folks don't have Abuelita in our local Walmart either!!!!!
