Sunday, November 6, 2011

An interesting weekend...

So people in Connecticut are starting to get power back after last week's snow storm.  The weather has been nice-cool days and frosty nights in the 20s and 30s.  Stephen and I have gotten used to the cold, for the most part.  We have adapted to wearing sweatpants and socks and using a space heater at night, so that we can keep the heat on 62 degrees and not run up the gas bill.  Griffy, poor thing, is still adjusting.  He wears a sweater all day and sleeps with a heating pad in his bed at night (thanks for the idea, Mona!)  But we bought him a new blanket for his bed and that is helping.

We have been fortunate enough to at least have Sundays off together. Today we took advantage of the great weather and went hiking at Sleeping Giant State Park. It was a lot of fun, but next time I am taking a backpack and water!! I was so thirsty by the time we got to the top I wanted to lick the rocks that still had snow on them...I posted pics on Facebook for everyone to enjoy. 

Daylight savings time also ended today, and it was jarring for me.  Stephen could not believe that it was getting dark at 4:30!  It felt like 8:00 when we had dinner, but it was only 5:45.  I have been ready for bed since then, so off we go!  Good night moon!!

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