Sunday, October 30, 2011

You Never Forget Your First Time...

...or your first in a long time.  Yesterday was a day of wonder and excitement around the Light house, because we had an unprecedented October snowstorm come through Connecticut!  It started snowing here in Branford yesterday about 12:15pm, while Stephen was getting dressed for work.  He was watching the rain come down and all of a sudden he said, "Hey, the rain is fat now, and white...OH MY GOD IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!" He threw his clothes on, raced outside, and started dancing in it!  It was a wet snow, and really huge flakes flew everywhere.  For the rest of the day, he was like a kid in the candy store-all he could do was throw snowballs and talk about how cool it was.  It was his first snow, so you can imagine how he felt.

Altogether, we ended up with about 6 inches here. Other parts of the state, like the Litchfield Hills, got 17 inches or more.   Most of it has melted already, but the magic remains!  I am so happy that God helped me give Stephen this little gift that brought so much joy to him.  I also missed the snow-it was my first one since I left New Jersey for Texas in 2000.  I have posted pics on Facebook for everyone to enjoy. And now, I'm off to enjoy a cup of hot cocoa!!


  1. I found your blog and glad Stephen enjoyed his first snow.

    1. Still waiting for another post. You write so well, please don't stop.
