Sunday, October 23, 2011

Catching Up Is Hard to Do!

Wow-2 months since my last post.  I'm so lazy!  Well, that's what happens when you're busy working 50 or 60 hours every week.  So, let's see-what's new lately around the Light House?

  1. We had a hurricane back in August! It was the first one here in 26 years.  It wasn't that bad, by Texas standards-but it TORE things up around here.  It took us 5 days to get power back, and my restaurant was closed for 6 days because we had no electricity there in Clinton.
  2. Stephen started his new job last month.  So far he loves it...he is supposed to be finished with his training in mid-November and then go to his new store.
  3. It has gotten significantly cooler here....the leaves are changing colors and the days are much shorter and darker than they were just one month ago.
  4. Since winter is coming, we have been getting ready.  We bought our first winter tires, and today we got Stephen his first pair of gloves.  I really like his new coat too!
Off to bed now-work in the morning.  Good night world!

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