Sunday, October 30, 2011

You Never Forget Your First Time...

...or your first in a long time.  Yesterday was a day of wonder and excitement around the Light house, because we had an unprecedented October snowstorm come through Connecticut!  It started snowing here in Branford yesterday about 12:15pm, while Stephen was getting dressed for work.  He was watching the rain come down and all of a sudden he said, "Hey, the rain is fat now, and white...OH MY GOD IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!" He threw his clothes on, raced outside, and started dancing in it!  It was a wet snow, and really huge flakes flew everywhere.  For the rest of the day, he was like a kid in the candy store-all he could do was throw snowballs and talk about how cool it was.  It was his first snow, so you can imagine how he felt.

Altogether, we ended up with about 6 inches here. Other parts of the state, like the Litchfield Hills, got 17 inches or more.   Most of it has melted already, but the magic remains!  I am so happy that God helped me give Stephen this little gift that brought so much joy to him.  I also missed the snow-it was my first one since I left New Jersey for Texas in 2000.  I have posted pics on Facebook for everyone to enjoy. And now, I'm off to enjoy a cup of hot cocoa!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Long Day...

Finally home from work.  We didn't leave until 1am because the carpet cleaning guys were there, and I can't leave them in the restaurant alone.  It's cold here, in the low 40s and damp, but I was shocked at how many people will eat ice cream in this weather.  I guess they are more used to the weather than I am.

Supposedly we will have our first taste of winter tomorrow!  Our friends say it will be just a cold rain, others say 3-5 inches of snow.  So I made a rice bag for my knee to help with the stiffness I've been having.  Had some adventures earlier this week but I will post about those later.  Going to bed now-Stephen and Griffy have already beat me to it!  Good night moon!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday Should Be Called "Weirdsday"

Hi Gang!  Life is going well so far.  We are slowly getting used to the colder weather.  Stephen said I am adapting faster than him.  I guess when you live up North from the ages of 2 to 10, your body develops a memory of how to deal with it. We have some of our winter wardrobe ready; we need to buy some boots and thicker socks, but then we should be all set!

Work is interesting, to say the least. The town I work in is smaller than Branford and has three distinct classes of people: elite old money who are grouches; regular folks; and then the people who only come out on Tuesday.  Every town has them, but for some reason our restaurant gets them in droves on that day of the week.  It's like I work in a Stephen King novel!  We had a guy bring us his old grease from home, saying that the old managers used to dump it for him; then a lady got confused when we asked how she wanted the chicken for her chicken salad (fried or grilled, ma'am?); and to top it all off, one of my waitresses was asked, "When are you graduating from high school?" by an older lady. (The waitress is 31.) 

Stephen has about 2 more weeks of training left before he is done and goes to his new store.  Fortunately, it's in Milford, which is only 20 minutes west of here.  I have discovered that it is easier, and cheaper, for me to take the bus to work instead of the train.  I have to walk over a mile to the train station, and it costs $4.50 to ride; the bus stops at the foot of our hill and only costs $1.25, so it's a no-brainer!  Griffy is doing OK.  He is not taking to the cold and we have to buy him a thicker sweater!  If things go as planned, then in 2-3 weeks he will be going to the vet and getting his yearly shots, microchipping, and having 8 teeth removed.  Then he will feel better and his bad breath will be gone.

It sucks not having any of our stuff up here.  I hate paying storage each month, and I really miss having our family pictures.  But it's like Stephen said: it shows you just how little you really need to survive.  Next week we will have been up here for 6 months.  I'm not going to lie-I miss our family and friends terribly.  It's lonely when you don't know very many people and EVERYTHING is new.  Even in San Antonio, at least some things were in both cities so we had some familiarity.  But that's also the fun part of this adventure.  Trying new things.  Making new friends.  Meeting people like a 60-year-old Serbian who ACTUALLY knows what the hell a kolache is, and then makes you a whole pan of them with Italian plums she grew in her back yard.  And seeing Stephen's face when he sees the leaves changing colors or puts on a new pair of gloves makes me happy, and glad we are on this adventure together. Yes, money could be better-couldn't it always?  But I would rather have to take the bus here in Connecticut, and be free to live my life without fear or having someone's religion shoved down my throat, than to drive a Mercedes back in Texas and be shit on.  Like Emiliano Zapata said: It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Catching Up Is Hard to Do!

Wow-2 months since my last post.  I'm so lazy!  Well, that's what happens when you're busy working 50 or 60 hours every week.  So, let's see-what's new lately around the Light House?

  1. We had a hurricane back in August! It was the first one here in 26 years.  It wasn't that bad, by Texas standards-but it TORE things up around here.  It took us 5 days to get power back, and my restaurant was closed for 6 days because we had no electricity there in Clinton.
  2. Stephen started his new job last month.  So far he loves it...he is supposed to be finished with his training in mid-November and then go to his new store.
  3. It has gotten significantly cooler here....the leaves are changing colors and the days are much shorter and darker than they were just one month ago.
  4. Since winter is coming, we have been getting ready.  We bought our first winter tires, and today we got Stephen his first pair of gloves.  I really like his new coat too!
Off to bed now-work in the morning.  Good night world!